Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Nine of us began a nine month course of study on feminine wisdom together: a discovery of a state of being and communication distinct and clear bringing into our lives the reality of what that is Like many things what it isn't defines it as well as the essence of what it is. For me, it has been the hearing, feeling and seeing between the cracks of positions that have served me to a point, to reach for a broader deeper realm of knowing, allowing, and acknowledging. All of the women in this group have researched with their lives the elements of knowing and discerning the passion and desire, the call that we honor and respond to. Witnessing in each other the shifts and changes that provide the inspiration toward realizing what femine is to the world- distinct and precise. in our daily lives is what we're up to. What it isn't is equally clear-emulating the masculine model of power, masculine standards and measures.

To that point: Hello Sarah Palin. Wow. It's all right with me that a woman is running with McCain if she has the ability to take on the office of the Presidency. However to try to lump Sarah Palin's stand/position in any way as related to the depth of respect for the issues truly worthy of passion and desire for good as demonstrated by Senator Hillary Clinton at the DNC last week is inaccurate. Insulting to all women everywhere, to all people. A bad joke. To slur because you're a woman and feisty, you are the same IS sexism at its most rank form. It is completely insultiing to women who stood for Hillary Clinton that the Republican candidate for President would attempt to confuse and purchase that affection earned by Hillary for her candidacy as President to a woman with totally different positions; Sarah is pro life and a creationist, a step back to the 50's is not what we need. Mc Cain and the Republican party owe the women of America an apology for their obvious sexism, but the pundits are all saying - hey, the blue collared women in the midwest may vote for Sarah since they were going to vote for Hillary. The steps forward that Senator Clinton relentlessly pursued then will not be taken away by Barack Obama and Joe Biden as they go towards the Presidency and include her work, her voice and her commitment to quality of life for American people, Instead that work is being toyed with by as a strategy, an attempt to misguide and bamboozle the women who followed Senator Clinton. Shameless exploitation, and not of Sarah Pain's doing. And you know, there's a hall pass for the RNC here, they can attribute the loss of the election to this woman. Sarah Palin obviously has no women friends in the senate or house of representatives to give her a heads up, no Nancy Pelosi, no Diane Feinstein with whom to take measure of the politics she has been thrown into hells bells. The Republicans have wanted this election to be about personalities rather than their record of the last 8 years, and this is their latest attempt to do that and they have shoved this woman on the political stage to, as Rushed Limbo would say, create chaos and confusion.

More tomorrow on feminine wisdom


  1. Peggy,
    Feminine wisdom! As you know this topic is near and dear to me - it is the heartbeat of a healthy and whole life! Until we bring our feminine wisdom into balance with our masculine wisdom, we miss out on our fullest expression - whether as a parent, business owner or in play! The masculine side is so evident. Just look at the high percentage of quotes by men when we google "wisdom".

    Feminine wisdom is still relegated to the home or into the woods making charms. To discover our full power requires that we know our feminine wisdom! I love that together we are distinguishing, giving voice, and finding out for ourselves and the world: What is feminine wisdom? As we tap into, access, utilize our feminine wisdom, what are we compelled to bring into our communities? our homes? our businesses?

    On the topic of Palin, her speech last night was brilliant. clear, incisive, funny, charming, full of rich content without being challenging to the masculine ego. While I do not agree with her positions - as you've clearly outlined....i always want to challenge my assumptions - does she not have feminine wisdom since she does not believe in a woman's right to choose an abortion? Is feminine wisdom a certain set of beliefs or...if not that, then what is it? Can women on each side of the political and ideological divide be wise feminine leaders?
    Food for thought - as a wise feminine 'Alchemist' I look forward to continuing the dialogue!

  2. Karen: Thanks for writing. I actually have not heard Sarah Palin speak other than the initial time she spoke with McCain when she was announced as VP.
    My reference to her was seeing her as a political object and the effects of that. Also my position on womens choice has me exclude a person of political power who has a stand or pro life pretty much automatically. On who she is and what she's up to personally, I have not looked into that at all other than the sensational comments of the media in the past two days - both con and pro, which have told me little.
    I take your recommendation to use the Alchemist in opening doors rather than slamming them shut as a good one. Thank you.
